Sunday, April 6, 2014

Take the Walls Down!

Alright! I know its Monday, I know it's wary, I know you're tired but c'mon, you just gotta put a fake smile on, stretch your arms, and say Thank God it's Monday!!!!! You are going to get sick of me saying that but I promise you, even if you start off faking the enthusiasm, eventually it will overcome you and you will have a sincere, good attitude towards Monday! Again, remember what I said about all the people taking Mondays off. This is just another opportunity to pull ahead of those people- so use it, because eventually, you will have run out of opportunities! However, you are never too old or too young to start somewhere! Think about your goal and do something today that will put you one step closer- you will feel great about it when you lie your head down to sleep, I promise. 

Now that I have you in a mood to take on the day, I want to convey the following message to you: 

This quote is great because it is so true and sends such a powerful message. Similar to a quote I put out last week, this message is basically stating that you are your own limit. Read that a few times and think about how you are confining yourself from reaching your goal.  The walls you are constructing around yourself can represent many things and thus, is important to really sit down and think about what they actually are. It could be as simple as a TV show you think you have to watch instead of exercising or perhaps even a little more complex, a friend that is holding you back form reaching your potential. Whatever it may be, you can control the walls that confine you! The only way those walls remain standing is because you allow them even though you have the power to knock them down. Find the things in life that confine you, begin to address them (even if it is one small step), and you will soon realize the power you hold! 

Please keep this message in your head throughout your day and use it to address the walls that are literally containing all the potential you possess. Start today and make Monday yours! Have a good one!


  1. This is really cool man. I am a high school teacher in Iowa and to start our week today I played a motivational video because I wanted to get everybody pumped up ready to roll this week!

  2. Right on! Motivation can be so contagious so everyone should do something like you did with your students and influence someone else's day by passing along the inspiration!
