Alright everyone, I know I know I know, its only been two days and I'm asking you to visit my blog again but I promise, you will appreciate what I have to say tonight and hopefully it will impact you Saturday! I stumbled upon a qoute tonight and thought it would be perfect for tomorrow's motivation:
As I mentioned in last post, this quote can be interpreted in many ways but no matter how you think about it, please find a way to make it relate to you! I've always strongly felt that people could be motivated so much easier if they just opened up and allowed themselves to be motivated. So please, allow this motivation to embrace you and let it impact your day.
As the quote states, we cannot continue to dwell on the past and use it as an excuse or wishful thinking to what we want to become. Of course we can tell ourselves how easy our situation would be now if we would have addressed it a long time ago. But the reality of it is is that the more we sit and think about what might have been is just more time we are wasting in regards to getting to where we want to be. "The second best time, is now" facilitates the feeling that the past is the past and the next best possible action is to take action now!
With that said, let't make today a worthwhile day and make ourselves better! Push yourself towards your goal and you will be one step closer to your goal then you were the day before.
Feel free to comment everyone! I want to hear some other opinions/thoughts on here!
Sorry about the font on this post. I cannot figure out how to get it back to normal!