Monday, March 31, 2014


Alright everyone I know you won't believe I'm saying this but Thank God Its Monday!!! Everyone always looks at Monday as being the worst day of the week and it usually gets treated as a transition day from the weekend into the week. But I'm hear to tell you that this is a good thing because you can use it to your advantage! While everyone else is walking around on auto-pilot you can focus in, make yourself better, and get ahead of all those people taking Monday off! This is why you have to just say to yourself, TGIM!!!!

 With that said, check out this video by my man Eric Thomas (ET)! His message is that everyone must "find their why" in life in order to succeed! No, you don't HAVE TO find your why to do good things but by finding your why, you make getting up in the morning and doing the daily grind that much easier! Why does this make it easier? Because once you find your why you have a continuous reminder of the reason you're doing what you're doing- a reason to not give up- a reason to hold yourself in check when the day gets tough! Listen to this video and at some point this week sit down and find your why! Trust me, when you have a why no goal or no dream is too big! Lets make this Monday count and get ahead of all those other people taking Monday off- it will set your week up for success! TGIM!!!!


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hamstring Stretching!

I hope you all believe me when I say that stretching is very important! When specific muscles are used repetitively or trained frequently they grow in size (hypertrophy). Many muscles tend to somewhat shorten as they grow due to reasons that will not be discussed now. Their resting state length (length when you are not trying to contract the muscle) gets shorter once you have started training that muscle. An example of this can be seen from individuals with big biceps. When you see their arms resting at their side, their elbow is somewhat flexed rather than straight down to the side. Compare this with a smaller individual who really has no definition in their arms- their arms tend to hang perfectly straight down.  

If you can understand the aforementioned material then the importance of stretching your hamstrings should be easy for you to grasp. Unlike the biceps in your arms, the hamstrings are repetitively used throughout the day- whenever you move your legs you are probably also using your hamstrings. Thus, the repetitive use of the hamstrings (especially when you are training to increase their size) tends to also lengthen their length. 

The hamstrings attach down the back (posterior) aspect of your femur (thigh bone) and towards the top of your fibula. The other attachment site is on the posterior and inferior (bottom) side of the pelvis. Thus, when one has tight hamstrings it pulls your pelvis into more of a posterior pelvic rotation. As you now, the spinal column connects to the top side of the pelvis and because of ligaments and muscles, the spine and pelvis can almost be treated as one unit. The spine has three natural curves in it that are essential lot normal moment and posture. When these curves diminish or get exaggerated, they can cause pathologies in the spine which can result in pain. When tight hamstrings rotate the pelvis posteriorly,  the spinal column is also rotated abnormally and thus, the natural curvature of the spine, specifically the lumbar curve (low back), is diminished and no curve longer exists. Thus, many people who have low back pain may simply have tight hamstrings that need to be stretched to restore the natural curve which may alleviate the low back pain!

On the left: Normal-natural posture with natural three curves. Hamstring length is normal. In the middle: Person with tight hamstrings. Notice how the pelvis has been rotated posteriorly and thus, the lowest curve in the spine (low back) is eliminated and the other two curves are exaggerated (which can also lead to pain and poor posture). This posture tends to bring on low back pain in the individual. Disregard the right picture for right now (tight hip flexors). Image taken from

How do you stretch your hamstrings!? Check out the pictures below!

Also, hold stretches for AT LEAST 20 second (research as shown that anything less than a 20 second stretch shows no results.) 

The two ways typically stretch their hamstrings are bad for the spinal column. When flexing the trunk forward to stretch the hamstrings you put increased pressure on the vertebral discs which weaken the posterior aspect of the disc and can eventually lead to herniation. Thus, whenever you stretch the hamstrings you want to maintain a more natural curvature of your spine and thus should not flex the trunk forward. 

Improper way to stretch hamstrings. Notice how the spine in this picture is flexed greatly and thus, a great amount of pressure is being put on the intervertebral discs (predisposes person to future herniation) even though the hamstrings are being stretched.

Improper way to stretch hamstrings. Notice how the spine in this picture is flexed greatly and thus, a great amount of pressure is being put on the intervertebral discs (predisposes person to future herniation) even though the hamstrings are being stretched.

Improper way to stretch hamstrings. Notice how the spine in this picture is flexed greatly and thus, a great amount of pressure is being put on the intervertebral discs (predisposes person to future herniation) even though the hamstrings are being stretched.

PROPER WAY TO STRETCH. Find a low table or raised platform that you can put your heel on. This leg will be the one stretched. As seen in the previous picture, do not increase the stretch by flexing your spine forward. Rather, if yo unwed to increase the stretch, pivot forward at your hip. In other ways, keep your spine straight and lean forward at the hip! If you find yourself leaning to far forward to get a good stretch find a higher platform to place your heel on. Also, the more forward pointed the other foot is (the one that is on the ground) the more you will feel the stretch in the leg being stretched.

Proper way as well!!! This is the same concept as the previous picture but the spine is staying flat along the ground. Use a towel to wrap around your toes, keep your knee locked out (straight) and then pull your leg towards your body. You will be surprised how tight your hamstrings are.

Thanks for reading everyone! Please feel free to comment or add anything! Next time I will discuss how tight hip flexors can cause low back pain as well!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The best time is now!

Alright everyone, I know I know I know, its only been two days and I'm asking you to visit my blog again but I promise, you will appreciate what I have to say tonight and hopefully it will impact you Saturday! I stumbled upon a qoute tonight and thought it would be perfect for tomorrow's motivation:

As I mentioned in last post, this quote can be interpreted in many ways but no matter how you think about it, please find a way to make it relate to you! I've always strongly felt that people could be motivated so much easier if they just opened up and allowed themselves to be motivated. So please, allow this motivation to embrace you and let it impact your day.

As the quote states, we cannot continue to dwell on the past and use it as an excuse or wishful thinking to what we want to become. Of course we can tell ourselves how easy our situation would be now if we would have addressed it a long time ago. But the reality of it is is that the more we sit and think about what might have been is just more time we are wasting in regards to getting to where we want to be. "The second best time, is now" facilitates the feeling that the past is the past and the next best possible action is to take action now!

With that said, let't make today a worthwhile day and make ourselves better! Push yourself towards your goal and you will be one step closer to your goal then you were the day before.

Feel free to comment everyone! I want to hear some other opinions/thoughts on here!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Waste no time- Greatness is upon you!

Hopefully you have read the introduction and are ready to get seriously motivated! As you will see with lots of the motivational tools I use, the message being sent may not always relate exactly to the situation you are in or need help with BUT you can alter it a little bit and have no trouble MAKING it apply to you. Use your imagination and relate the motivation to you and LET IT embrace you and take over your thoughts. Use it and go embrace the grind!

It starts now!!!

Welcome to the Health Spot!

Thanks for joining my blog- I truly hope it has a positive influence and impact on your life- after all, Health Spot is meant to serve YOU!!!

The purpose of this blog is two-fold: first, to provide viewers with new knowledge, tips, and other material that may assist in attaining health-related goals and secondly, to give viewers both the opportunity to ask questions as well as help answer other viewers' questions. In other words, viewers can access the blog with the intention to learn something new, ask a question (general or personal), or help answer a fellow viewers question. Although the purpose of Health Spot is to be informative to its viewers, I believe it is important to get viewers active and involved with discussions. Thus, it is my hope that viewers will share interesting things they have read/learned about health as well (i.e. new exercises, shake recipes, etc.). In addition, it is always interesting to bring up ideas/topics that may be controversial and have no definite answer so that we may all discuss our opinions and get others perspectives. Lastly, it is my plan to provide daily motivation for you to help you get through the daily grind each and everyday! This motivation may come in several different forms: videos, quotes, stories, statistics, etc. So please remember, if you don't have the time to read the blog everyday I hope that you please give yourself a few minutes to check in and get motivated for the day so that you may embrace the day and make it count!

Below is a slight introduction that I strongly encourage you to read. Normally, daily blogs will be much shorter than this introduction so please do not let the length intimate you and scare you off!

Why did I start this blog?

Our country is in a serious health epidemic- specifically, an obesity epidemic. Did you know, in 2010 our society reached the point to which 1 out of every 3 Americans is considered obese?* Although I could list several more frightening statistics concerning this epidemic, I feel everyone knows the extent to which it has plagued our society and thus, I will not discuss it further (at this time). However, my point in addressing rising obesity is not to degrade anyone; it is difficult to maintain adequate health in today's fast-paced, expensive society. For example, many people (especially those with lower incomes and long work days) are so rushed throughout their days that fast-food or food from convenient stores are their best options to preserve time for something else they need to get done in their hectic days. However, blaming our society is not going to make you healthy or shed those extra pounds you have and thus, prioritizing your life so that health is towards the top is a must!   Personally, it bothers we that our society is this way because obesity is honestly, in mind, a disabling disease. When one becomes obese they are unable to do many things you are accustomed to and their quality of life can dramatically decline. People who have grown obese need help to get back to their normal daily lives and thus, I hope this blog can serve as a guide to jumpstart that process!

With that said, let me (and others) help you help yourself! Even if your goal is not to lose weight, Health Spot will still assist you in achieving any goal you have- other topics such as resistance training will receive the same amount of discussion and attention as obesity. The previous paragraph concerning obesity was to simply state why I started this blog- again, Health Spot will discuss many more things than just obesity.

"The first step in becoming successful is sacrificing what you are for what you will become."                
              -Eric Thomas